Studio Lenca

El Historiante de Inglaterra, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

El historiante de Inglaterra, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.


‘Historiante’ is a portmanteau of the Spanish words ‘historia’ and ‘estudiante’ meaning history student.‘Los Historiantes’ are the Salvadoran tellers of a folkloric tale based on the Christians and Moors. In El Salvador ‘Los Hisoriantes’ dance ‘La Historia’ collectively with their bodies during September dedicated to La Santa Cruz de Roma. This disrupts the notion that the storage of history is disembodied and stagnant.As an artist Campos relates to the position of embodied storyteller whilst coexisting in a position of learning. By posing as a Historiante Campos reflects on their own displacement from El Salvador during the country’s civil war whilst also rewriting a new narrative of what it means to be Salvadoran. This embodied practice sees Campos as both the custodian of El Salvador’s history and disruptor of dominant public discourse of Salvadoran people.

Chanel, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Chanel, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

Gorra, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Gorra, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

Historiante Dance, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Historiante Dance, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

Nino, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Nino, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

Historiante fight, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Historiante fight, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

Historiante de colores, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Historiante de colores, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

Historiante samba, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Historiante samba, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

Historiante gringo, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Historiante gringo, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

El Historiante de London, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

El Historiante de London, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

Historiante Chanel, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Historiante Chanel, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

El Historiante blanco, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

El Historiante blanco, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.

Historiante Gay, 2019, digital print, 46.8” x 33”

Historiante Gay, 2019, digital print, 46.8 x 33 in.