Ann Glazer

Trading Post

Liliana Bloch Gallery is pleased to announce Trading Post, an outdoor project by Ann Glazer that draws from the history of Western trading posts where native artifacts, commerce and colonialism intersect in complex ways. The work is scheduled to overlap with the Dallas Art Fair and consists of two large canvas tarps painted to resemble rugs off-handedly draped over the exterior of the gallery, both engaging with and diminishing the building's architecture. Ann Glazer received an MFA from the Art Institute of Chicago and a BA from Brown University. She has exhibited at Liliana Bloch, Kirk Hopper, The Reading Room, Gray Matter, Barry Whistler, Conduit and The Dallas Contemporary and was a recipient of the DMA's Kimbrough Award and the Art Institute of Chicago's Forster Fellowship. Ann Glazer currently lives and works in Dallas and New York City. Liliana Bloch Gallery is located at 2919 Commerce St suite C, Dallas, TX, 75226*: 214 991 5617,

*this was the address at the time of installation; since then, the gallery has moved to 4741 Memphis St., Dallas, TX 75207